Pancakes & Booze Show is On!

Pancakes & Booze Show is On!

Hey Dreamers,

I'm wishing you comfort, strength, and ease this week. I had a whirlwind of a week last week, am looking forward, and taking care bit by bit. 

You know when those lessons that don't fully integrate show up again? Well gosh was it like a few years of lessons all in a short period. Whew. I'm grateful to be here. 

Thank you for listening. Have you experience anything like this recently? It's amazing that we get to embark on a journey like this and remember, reflect, and have the ability to redirect. Wow! 


Now, I am in prep mode and getting ready to share my work this week, and I am so excited (and so, so nervous haha). 

If you're in the Bay Area, please consider coming out to Public Works this Thursday and Friday, February 2nd and 3rd to the Pancakes & Booze Art Show!

I will be showcasing original artworks, and I am thrilled to be directing myself in a different direction than vending. 

Click this text to check out more information! 

I would love to see you there. 


I am wishing you the best, and hope we stay healthy and strong. 

Take care, and Sweet Dreams,

Amber xoxo

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