Celebrating 1 Year!

Celebrating 1 Year!

Whooooohoo! Hey there dreamer. If you're reading this - THANK YOU!!!

Because of support and interest from you all, I am celebrating my 1 year anniversary/birthday of this space! A year ago today, I put forth out in the world that I was starting anew, launched this space and small art business.

I jumped back into my art with so much more intention, sense of self, and desire to learn, grow, create, and share my work. It's amazing what a difference this experience has been. Here are the highs, lows, and dreams for next year:


  • I believe in myself, and I'm going for my dreams. This is not easy. There's a lot of (un)conscious projections/criticisms (from within and outward), energy invested in building something for yourself, and many other bumps on the road. But, it is so worth it and fulfilling to create, share, and inspire others through my work. 
  • I have met and connected with so many wonderful people over this past year. More people have come into contact with my work, supported my work, and presented kindness when vending. Every event fills me with knowledge, friendship, and support. *Thank you Agency Oakland, Recalibrate Collective, Aquarian Plants, Erie Bazaar, and Head West for the opportunities to participate in your events over this last year. I look forward to what unfolds in 2023! 
  • EVERYTHING I HAVE LEARNED. I am blown away by how much I have witnessed, experienced, and absorbed this past year. I'd go into detail but we'd be here all week reading. Some highlights are my printing experiences, logistics behind running a small art business, and learning my work habits/boundaries. I'm so excited for what's to come!


  • WOW does it take investing in yourself haha. I have slowly invested funds over time and I'm just taken back by how much you have to go in on yourself when you really want something. Not only do I need to put in the effort, I have to support myself financially while I start from the ground up. This definitely has set me back in having the energy to work on my art. But, I make the most of what I have and things are changing. Every purchase helps me continue, so thank you for that support. I'm excited for 2023! 
  • Since I had never vended before, it's not very surprising that I had forgotten so many little - but big - details at just about each event. There's definitely crash and burn, failing moments, and that's okay. These mistakes have been great lessons, and I'm really loving my setup now. 
  • Letting folks down: I had a custom shirt order a customer ended up not liking too much, and that's always a bummer! I had cancelled on an event due to not feeling well health wise and ready to vend. There are times I mess up but staying compassionate with myself has helped.

Dreams for Next Year: 

  • I'd love to balance out my timing better to work on projects. I have some schedule changes taking place soon, so I'm excited to play with this and see what can come of it. I felt burnt out for a lot of those busy months this year, though the long hours and deep dives into learning was exhilarating at times too. However, my body felt it and has been in heavy rest mode lately. It's fun learning more about how I operate and at what capacities. Yay for building boundaries!
  • I want to connect further and collaborate with folks! I've met many wonderful people on this journey, and would love to continue conversations and create some magic together. I can be extremely social or extremely anxious, and crave connection in my life. 
  • Going off of doing something together, I'd also love to participate in an art show, host an art party, or do some kind of social event that isn't completely vending? To be continued... 
  • And as always, continue sharing my art! I love what I'm building and won't stop creating until the day I feel like I've had enough. I know we have ebbs and flows, but I want to continue carving this path and creating as I please. 

It's also my birthday today! Muahaha. Hahaha yay! When I begun planning DDD, I knew I needed to give myself a deadline to launch or I would back out, out of fear. I made myself walk hand in hand with it, gave myself the greatest birthday gift, and here we are a year later. 


Thank you for being a part of this journey! Every site visit, social media/word of mouth share, or purchase keeps me going in this path. I'm grateful for your interest and support, and look forward to what 2023 will bring. 

As a birthday gift, use the code BIRTHDAY through midnight PST tonight for a nice discount! I appreciate the love and would loveeee seeing an order today!! Hehehe. 

Cheers to a year of art, life, business, and growth! I wish you the best in your journey, send love your way, and am thinking of good physical and mental health for all. 

I'll be in touch soon about my last event and final wrap up for the year. Take care!!! 



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