The End Of The Year Is Near!

The End Of The Year Is Near!

Happy November, and almost December, dear Dreamers!

It's good to be with you once more, and I wish you the best in navigating onward. The holidays and end of the year buzz can stir up a lot of emotions within us, but we can also use our experiences and past as information and power in how we carry ourselves now. 

I've spent a lot of the month reflecting, evaluating, and processing lots of changes within myself and this space. I've grown tired with doing so much physical labor only to still get by.

I've wanted to create and share so much more here, and it's felt like a hamster on the wheel at times. I've realized how vital it is to find ways to work smarter and not harder, and I'm grateful to reflect and redirect.


Bit by bit, I feel myself getting towards the light at the end of the tunnel. Have you had a similar experience? You worked so hard towards something, and feel like you're just about there? 

If you're there now, wanting something more, or doing the thing - keep going, keep going, keep going. 

Isn't it worth it? I believe so. Let's keep rocking on, do our best, lead fun lives, and do good.


I've been chipping away at refreshing this online space, my brand, and prepping for the end of the year.

I have 2 completely new offerings coming to you soon, some events next month, and I'm extremely excited, nervous, and hopeful about it all.

If you want to find out first, I highly encourage you to subscribe to the DreamTeam email newsletter! You'll get emails I write throughout the week on the latest updates, previews, and special sales! 

There's messages on Mondays, and occasionally on weekends.

Stay tuned on my social media channels as well for more updates.

IG: @dreamdrifterdesigns

FB: Dream Drifter Designs


My next in person event will be on December 10th, 2023 at the Sucka Flea Market & Swap in the Mission district of SF. 

Many of my offerings from the year will not be made again after the new year. 

Find more information here, come grab last chance goodies, check out what's new, and let's dream big for what we want to see in 2024. 


I wish you the very best in your journey, and thank you for being here. 

If you're still here - Congrats!!! Haha.

Use the code GR8FUL4YOU to take 44% off your ENTIRE order through tomorrow night PST!!! 

There's some new artwork, more clothing restocked, and last chance items available now. 


Thank you, and happy Monday!


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