The Next Do Good Sale Is Here!

The Next Do Good Sale Is Here!

Hello Dreamers, 

Happy June (& End of June...haha), Happy Pride, and Happy Solstice. 

We have wrapped up half of this year already, are wrapping up the month, and had our longest day of the year. Wow! Time just keeps gliding by.

I'm feeling grateful to be here, seeing my growth in different areas, and seeing where to head next. I'm happy to announce that I'm finally doing another Do Good Sale! If you don't know about it, click this link to learn more. 

From now (6.25.23) through the end of June, 50% of sales from discounted Bloom stickers & discounted Tote Bags will be donated to two organizations centered around supporting the LGBTQIA+ community. 

These organizations are the Rainbow Community Center, & The Transgender District. 

25% of sales of all other offerings will also be donated, & many offerings are on Sale through the end of June as well. 

It's a win win win for all! Please consider supporting this cause. 


Did you celebrate pride or had some sort of celebration/lift in your spirit?

In a world where things go backwards & forwards, I think having this moment to celebrate who you are, however you show up in this world, is beautiful, needed, and a good push/reminder to stay true to yourself. 

I didn't go out to celebrate pride today, but I did have a really nice paint sesh today and that felt like I was celebrating and victorious. 

I wish all my LGBTQIA+ friends out there a Happy Pride, and wish everyone a Happy Pride too and the best to come the rest of this year. 

Stay tuned for the next post, and take care!!!

-Amber <3 

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